Android Courses

Core Java
- Core Java
- Installation & Hello World Programt
- Unary Operators & Control Statements
- Boxing & Unboxing
- Arrays
- Basics on Methods
- Simple Class & Object (Forward Reference Issue)
- Memory Management-Heap/Stack
- Static Initialization Block(SIB)
- Using Static Members in different classes
- Instance Initialization Block(IIB)
- Mixing Static, Non-Static Members
- Inheritance
- Constructor Chaining
- this & super Keyword
- final keyword
- Packages
- Access Specifiers
- Polymorphism
- Auto up casting & Explicit down casting
- Abstract class & Interface
- Exception Handling

Core Java
- Jar file
- Javap, javadoc
- Enums
- Static imports
- Annotations
- Wrapper Classes
- Generics Classes, Interfaces & Methods
- Inner Classes
- Command Line Arguments
- Scanner Class
- String: String Basics, Usage of String Methods, String Builder & String Buffer
- Threads: Threads-Basics, Synchronization, Deadlock, Inter Thread Communication, Thread Lifecycle
- Object class: String & equals, hash code & clone, Reflection API
- Collection API: Collections Class, List & Array List, Set & Map, Stack & Queue
- File Handling: File, Reader and writer, Streams, Customizing S.O.P

- Android Basics
- Introduction to Android
- What is Android?
- Setting up development environment
- Dalvik Virtual Machine & .apkfile extension
- Application Structure
- AndroidManifest.xml
- Activity/services/receiver declarations
- Resources &
- Values – strings.xml
- Layouts &Drawable Resources
- Activities and Activity lifecycle
- First sample Application
- Deploying sample application on a real device
- Emulator-Android Virtual Device Launching Emulator
- Editing Emulator Settings
- Emulator shortcuts
- Logcat usage
- Introduction to DDMS File explorer
- Android Debug Bridge(adb) tool
- Second App. : (switching between activities)
- Develop an app. for demonstrating the communication between Intents

- Basic UI Design
- Form widgets, Text Fields, Layouts Relative Layout
- Table Layout, Frame Layout, Linear Layout
- Nested layouts
- Adapters and Widgtes
- Adapters
- Array Adapters
- Base Adapters
- Example - Efficient Adapter
- List View and List Activity
- Custom list view

- Menu: Option menu, Context menu, Sub menu
- Intents (in detail): Explicit Intents, Implicit intents
- SQLite Programming: SQLite Open Helper, SQLite Database
- Cursor: Content providers, Defining and using content providers, Reading and updating Contacts
- Tabs and Tab Activity Styles & Themes
- styles.xml colors.xml- declaring colors
- Drawable resources for shapes, gradients(selectors)
- Shapes drawablesState drawables
- Multimedia
- Using the Camera
- Adding Sound & Video to Application
- Notifications
- Broadcast Receivers
- Services and notifications

- Toast
- Alarms
- Advanced Topics
- Android Graphics (2D, Animations)
- Live Folders
- Using sdcards – Reading and writing
- XML Parsing
- Including external libraries in our application
- Maps via intent and Map Activity
- GPS, Location based Services
- Accessing Phone Services(Call, SMS, MMS)
- Network Connectivity Services
- Sensors
Android Mobile App Development Training Course in Chandigarh Mohali Punjab
The operating system has developed a lot in last 15 years starting from black and white phones to recent smart phones or mini computers. One of the most widely used mobile OS is android.
The android is a powerful operating system and it supports large number of applications in Smartphones. These applications are more comfortable and advanced for the users. The hardware that supports android software is based on ARM architecture platform. The android is an open source operating system means that it’s free and any one can use it.
There is huge demand of android developer and one can come and join our 6 week/month industrial training program to enhance their technical skills which can further fulfill the requirement of corporate sector.
Why to join EME Technologies:
We provide free of cost English speaking, resume writing, interview preparation classes for our students.
- We provide part time as well as full time job for students during training period.
- Best infrastructure in Chandigarh and Mohali.
- Positive and healthy environment for students, interns and employees.
- Seminars and workshops are also conducted to keep them updated of new technologies.
- Professional trainer takes responsibility and set goals for candidates, solve problems and increase work efficiency. (Many More...)
Future Scope
Salary package started from 4-5 lpa for fresher upto 25 lpa after the experience of 5 years in industry. Future of android developer is secure, earning good and handsome salary package, working in the companies of android like Intel, American express, Google, yahoo, Facebook, deloitte, EME Technologies, IBM Core and many more.
Firebase Web App Tutorial - Write Data To Firebase Database
Sending E-mail in Android Studio in Kotlin Language
6 week| 3 months| 6 Months| 1 year stipend based, Course will be customized according to duartion and cost
Basic computer knowledge| R & D
Career Options
After completing your full course stipend or Job on behalf of performance during Training period
Project Work
Two project will be covered in the class and then individual projects will be assigned to students. As the project is desktop application and students will be asked to give professional Look, Feel and Functionality to applications.
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